Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The below post was written this morning! I tried to post it after breakfast, but Nicaragua beat me and it wouldn't go through.

Thankfully all is good and you can enjoy our first post from Nicaragua!

And to give you an update, all of the luggages has safely arrived so Haley has fresh clothes! Also, we had a great morning today which included a tour of vera cruz and a trip to Managua to learn about the history of Nicaragua. I would say most of the team's heads are spinning right now from all that we learned about why Nicaragua is the way it is. So it's a perfect time for a fun afternoon!

Off to the pool we go with all of the Kids from Casa! Gotta run, the bus is picking us up in 15 min!

and FYI: The internet is only on from 8am-5pm. I will do my best to post each day, but those hours are quite limiting!


  1. So glad you all have arrived safely and diving right in with eyes wide open :) I'm excited to be following you all through this blog as it makes me feel so close to all those we miss there -- Seems like we were just there yesterday! BIG HUGS to the Calero Family (Juan, Jesus, Coco & Haydalina), Posado BOYZ, Esther GIRLZ. Our prayers go out to you all daily from the "Wright" Team. GOD IS DEFINATELY SMILING ON EVERYONE OF YOU :) Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16

  2. So glad to read you all arrived safe and sound. You all are such an amazing example of how God continues to surround these special people. Much love,
    The San Pedro Family
