Friday, July 30, 2010

Painting, English Class, and ICE CREAM

Hello all of our faithful readers! It has truely been a fantastic few days. I apologize for no post yesterday. We were up at 6 and did not return until dinner last night. I asked Chessney to post about yesterday (thursday), so you can read her words. But before that I wanted to share some pictures from Wednesday.

On Wednesday we had a great day at Casa. We did our work project in the morning, which included repainting the older girls house. We then had the opportunity to help with the private English Classes here at Casa in the afternoon. To end the day we decided to treat the team to a trip to Pops (the famous Nicaraguan Ice Cream Shoppe). It was a fantastic day of just "being" at Casa!

Enjoy the pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Springbranch Nicaragua trip 2010! I just wanted to stop by and drop you all a metaphorical line, because in Sami style) you're all really ridiculously good looking and on a serious note) you're in the thoughts and prayers of many people, including myself. This is the first time in two years that I haven't been able to go on this trip, and I'm sad, I know you all are having an amazing time while doing God's work. Relish the time you have and soak up every second, even when it's really hard (because we all know, it is). You've got four days left- don't let them fly by! And yes, the last night is always the hardest for several reasons:

    1) we're all dirty.
    2) every year someone (ahem, natalie) thinks it's a good idea to give Nicaraguan sugar-soaked cake to the children
    3) this results in someone getting cake to the face (can we recall my blue hair/ cheek frosting face incident from last year? It's a good thing I'm so physically attractive, or that could've been bad).
    4) the older kids NEVER dance, and so the grengos end up looking like complete idiots
    5) despite all of the fun, there's always the sad feeling of uncertainty whether we'll be able to come back again, and the fear that if we can't, will they still remember us?

    Funny story- I was in nicaragua earlier this summer and was actually able to travel to Casa Bernabe for two separate days. While there, Suyapa ran up to me and greeted me, asking if I remembered her. Now, as many of you know, my Spanish is pretty atrocious at best. So I was trying to say I remembered her face, even though I didn't know her name. This is what I said :

    " No recuerdo tu nombre, pero yo recuerdo tu...... cuerpo."

    Cara is face- cuerpo means body,

    I had just told a 10-year old that while I didn't remember her name, I remembered her body. Awesome. (at this point, I feel like Jordan Wray will just laugh and say oh wow).

    My point is this- you've got four days. Make them count, so that you don't have to feel sad when you leave, because you know that you gave all you possibly could. Don't worry about when you'll come back next (because you'll find a way back- I promise) or whether they'll remember your name. What's important is that you remember how they changed you, and how you can remember the love that you gave them. Names, faces, cuerpos... none of the rest really matters. Just love them and help them feel God's love, because that truly is worthy of remembering.

    Give my love to all the kids, especially Mary Cruz, Klenys, Lilliam, and Jessica in Casa Rosada ( great paint job!), and to Ida, Fatima, Suyapa, Freidel in the younger house, and Ruben from the younger boys, and tell all of them that I "te echo de menos" and I look forward to all of you coming back safely!

    Heart heart super love,

    Sami Noble
