Sunday, July 31, 2011

Friday-A view from the Trinity Family

Hey Blog Readers! Natalie here. We have had a crazy few days, and no internet during free time! Below is a post that Hannah Hopper wrote from the Trinity group on Friday. Enjoy her thoughts! I'll try to post one more time tonight to share some final thoughts about our week! Thanks again for all of your prayers! We are off to a sports complex with all of the kid we've been working with at Nueva Vida, so I don't have time for pictures! SORRY! See you soon!

WOW-it is crazy that I am writing this blog for Friday night. For me this week has flown by…but in an amazing way. I have finally realized the verse in the bible where it speaks about how this day is precious and sacred! I wake up every morning to the beautiful Nicaragua and get to see what now the Lord has in store for me. Because this is my first mission trip, I have been blown away with the sights I have seen, the words that have been shared, the challenges we have faced, and the power of our loving & protecting father.
I will start off with our morning. Mornings can really make or break your day. I have realized this week that how I begin my day will influence my attitude and energy for the rest of the day. I now have come to see how important it is to start our day in the word-the bread of life!!We left at 10:30 to the church we have been attending the past two days. The church is about an hour away which sounds like a long drive but between games and looking at the sights all around us-it goes quickly. The bus rides have been one of my favorite parts of this trip because it allows me to be silent. To be still and listen to what the Lord wants to teach me for this next day with these adorable children.
Now onto the kids! The best feeling in the world is pulling up to the church and seeing the same faces you saw the day before. It is truly a miracle that the children can pull you apart from the crowd and say your name which in my case is “Anna”. We have gotten the honor to serve these kids, in most cases, their only meal. It amazes me at how responsible and independent these children are at such a young age. Yes, we came to serve these kids so this is a very tangible and real way to serve but I have learned from them as well what service looks like. I have been able to see God’s love through these children and willingness to help their younger sibling eat or comfort them when they aren’t feeling well.
After we helped at the feeding center we met for lunch which was very yummy today! My favorite part of the day was VBS with the children. Everyone had a specific job for VBS today and really came through! Whether it was music, the bible story, activities, or the crafts we each put everything into making it the best it could be. Wayne brought to our attention today that when we are in a place like Nicaragua the enemy will distract and try to bring us down. Which has been true for this trip but of course our God is stronger and always prevails. Before the kids came in today for VBS, we heard that only 30 of the kids could come. My heart sank when I heard this because we were all looking forward to having all of these kids from the neighborhood come. God’s hand was in this all because each and every child was then allowed in! God’s provision was revealed and I knew that today was going to be powerful and life changing.
Roger gave an amazing word to the kids and then gave an invitation. This was the most powerful experience I have seen this entire trip. Hands raised one after the other and although it was in Spanish I could feel the Holy Spirit moving in these young kids’ lives. From there on out the day was eventful with kids moving from craft stations, to singing songs, to then saying goodbye to us.
Yes, each day is long and tiring. Yet, the Lord refuels me and all of the other trinity students to pour into these kids and share with them the greatest lesson they could hear in life…the gospel. Our God is alive and moving this week. He is touching little kids lives with a conversation we may have with them (if we are lucky enough to speak Spanish), or by holding their hand, or simply smiling. Their faces light up even though we are leaving because we make sure to say,”Hasta Manana!”
Tomorrow is a new day that the Lord is going to show us how amazing He is and come back at night to be able to share stories of “Where I saw Jesus today”.
Ps-I love you mommy & fam and can’t wait to see you!!`

1 comment:

  1. LOVE You Hannah, So proud of you Great Blog.
    Praying for you all to come home safely.
    God Bless You,
    Ms Robin
